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VIP Customers : Seize or Lost Package ,Reship for USA/UK. Other Country need pay half fee reship
(not vip need pay 10% fee get insurance)

320 Bv2024早春新品 ⛓️链条SARDINE 💙 776768 升级版链条肩带⛓️ 别致又高级,展现出都市女性的时尚品味!金属的把手和经典编织结合在一起 艺术感和优雅时髦完美融合 通过精美的工艺 铸造全新的沙丁鱼造型手柄,黄铜材质画龙点睛,每一只手柄都有着独一无二浅浮调效果 采用顶级羊皮材质编织打造半月形包身,肉感十足的触感,满足细节控的喜好,在场合里最出彩的时髦单品!💕

Why the credit card payment failed and how to solve it?


We accept the following type of credit card:

Visa / MasterCard / AMEX / JCB / DinersClub 


If your credit card payment failed, you will receive the following failure notice:
1. Do not honour / The order has been refused
This means that your payment is blocked by your credit card issuing bank.
You may contact with your bank and request authorization for the payment.
After that, you can try again.
2. High Risk
Your payment rejected by our credit card processing company.
You can email us the picture for the front side of your credit card,
keep the first 4 digits and last 6 digits, the other digits you may blur it.
You can contact us with Email or send to our WhatsApp if you prefer.
When we receive the picture of your credit card, we will send to payment gateway company and will make payment go through.
3. Insufficient funds / over credit limit   
Please recharge your card or use a different card then try again.



B. Scammers of credit card user please keep away from us! Your IP address, Shipping address is recorded here!

     We have local agents whom will help us investigating Scammers for fraudulent transaction and Maliciou Charge back!