Heidi is only a personal shopper / seller. We are NOT a replica manufacturer. However we do work closely with several factories such as 187 and God, other popular factories. We have a degree of trust with our factories. Other dealers may or may not have their own close relationships with various other manufacturers. 

Through years of experience, we provide top quality of service to our customers. 

Each factory has its own way of working, and this is something we have no control over. At best we have a very limited scope of control as to what we can ask factories to do. 

Some factories take longer to complete product assembly due to labor or lack of material. This affects the timeframe in which we can receive your item. It also means that if they send us a defective item, we have to return it before we make the PSP/QC for you, as we have to wait for the factory to re-deliver the item to our office. In all honesty, we really only carry factories that we trust and that we can work on to ensure quality of items are up to our standard. 

We are not deliberately trying to be slow, or lazy, or making excuses not to make the process as quickly as possible. 

Great things take time! 

Within this industry it is near impossible to update the website to inform ahead of time whether an item is out of stock or not. However, we try our best to check with each factory before any orders are requested.

Why is it hard to  provide an estimate of days when PSP will be available?
This is largely down to 2 things:

1. The factories will give us some timeline but it is not always accurate. 

2. We also try to order popular items for our office stock for quick ship but sometime they will give us our office stock upon our next batch.


We have an average of 250 inquiries passing through Heidi Account PER DAY (including Sunday, which is our day off). This is a large amount of inquiries which we try to get to as soon as we can. I also now have my sister helping with responses especially that we are 12-14 hours difference from most of our customers. I also need to do other functions so thank you for your patience. I am avoiding to have more manpower as this would result to higher overhead and higher prices. 

Here is a typical day:

Morning – Make PSP (take packaging, take pictures and repackage) 

Afternoon – Respond to inquiries and process new orders 

Evening – Respond to inquiries and send day PSP

If PSP show damage or defect, I will request exchange from factory. However, once item is shipped, please understand that we cannot easily accept return. If you receive wrong item, please contact Heidi as soon as possible. Do not remove item packaging.

We do our best to coordinate with you if customs need more information. Sorry, we cannot reship and item will be considered lost. 

We offer insurance option for items, to provide piece of mind for you for a fraction of the price. With insurance, we will reship your item if customs seize, or item is lost.